About SDC2018


Solar Decathlon China 2018

(learn more about us)

    Solar Decathlon China 2018 (SDC2018) is co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy and China National Energy Administration, organized by China Overseas Development Association and supported by the School Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League. 22 teams consisting of 41 schools from 10 countries and regions will be competing in Dezhou, Shandong Province in 2018.


    Aiming for permanent usage, the competition requires teams to build a single- or two-story solar house with a finished area of 120-200m2 and equipped with all necessary household appliances such as TV, refrigerator, cooktop, dishwasher, washing machine, and computer. In addition, each house shall have an electric vehicle and its matched charging device. Teams will compete in the following ten contests.

Learn more: Rules

Host City


    Dezhou, known as the “Sun City of China”, is one of the major cities of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Integration. Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway and Qingdao-Taiyuan high-speed railway meet here. Through continuous upstream and downstream extension of the solar energy industry chain, Dezhou has become the largest solar industry cluster in China, covering solar water heater, solar photovoltaic power generation and lighting, solar and building integration, high temperature solar thermal power generation and so on. Dezhou will gradually develop into a comfortable, livable, sustainable, and green city.

    Dezhou takes SDC 2018 as an opportunity to develop itself. By applying new photovoltaic technology and ecological energy-saving construction ideas, Dezhou aims to build the first solar intelligent city in China, integrating smart living and distributed photovoltaic power system.


Listed according to team site lot number:

01 Team HKU: The University of Hong Kong

02 Team PKU*: Peking University

03 Team THU: Tsinghua University

04 Team XJTU-WNEU: Xi’an Jiaotong University / Western New England University

05 Team YI: Yantai University

06 Team WashU-BLD*: Washington University in St. Louis

07 Team Istanbul: Istanbul Technical University / Istanbul Kültür University / Yildiz Technical University

08 Team SUES-XD: Shanghai University of Engineering Science

09 Team Shunya: Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

10 Team Montreal: McGill University / Concordia University

11 Team JIA+: Xiamen University / National School of Architecture of Brittany / High School Joliot Curie of Rennes / University of Rennes 1 / Technical School of Compagnons du Devoir of Rennes / National Institute of Applied Sciences of Rennes / Shandong University

12 Team NJFJ: New Jersey Institute of Technology / Fujian University of Technology

13 Team SEU-TUBS: Southeast University / Technical University of Braunschweig

14 Team XAUAT: Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology

15 Team SJTUIUC: Shanghai Jiaotong University / University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

16 Team BJTU: Beijing Jiaotong University

17 Team SIE: Shenyang Institute of Engineering

18 Team TJU-TUDA: Tongji University / Technical University Darmstadt

19 Team Solar Offspring: Hunan University

20 Team SCUT-POLITO: South China University of Technology / Polytechnic University of Turin

21 Team UNNC Alpha: University of Nottingham Ningbo China

22 Team Israel: College of Management Academic Studies / Afeka College of Engineering


* Exhibition only

Learn more: Teams