Training System


Compared with the original system, the new education system:

1. is changed from being profession-oriented to goal-oriented

2. is altered from instilling knowledge to guiding the thinking process

3. combines the faculty self-education with student education

4. combines school education and public education

The new education system offers comprehensive training to all students and aims at specific project outputs or work tasks.

In fact, the ultimate goal of our Solar Offspring team is to extend this project-oriented learning philosophy and work model to everyday teaching agenda. Our team will not only focus on completing this contest,, but utilize the opportunity this contest brings to further promote the new model of production, study, research, and application. We will also size this chance to cultivate talents capable of conducting profound research in interdisciplinary fields and provide more competent people for enterprises who can use a wide range of knowledge to solve practical problems. 

Tranlated by Jasmine